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Estimates and Analysis of Farm Income in India, 1983-84 to 2011-12 -Ramesh Chand, Raka Saxena, and Simmi Rana

-Economic and Political Weekly This paper presents estimates of farmers' incomes from agriculture over the past three decades. The income earned by farmers from agricultural activities after paying for input costs and the wages for hired labour has seen low to high growth in different periods during the last three decades. In none of the periods do farmers' income or profitability of farming show any squeeze. The pace of growth in...

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You're experiencing world's 5th deadliest heatwave ever -Subodh Varma

-The Times of India NEW delhi: As the death toll in the current heat wave crossed the 2,000 mark, this has become the fifth deadliest ever heatwave in the world and the second deadliest in India, according to an international database of disasters. Weathermen are predicting that there are a few more days left in the ongoing heatwave which has killed the most number of people in Andhra Pradesh and Telengana, while...

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Immunisation Coverage in India: An Urban Conundrum -Purnamita Dasgupta and Rajib Dasgupta

-Economic and Political Weekly This article examines the decline in coverage levels of the Routine Immunisation Programme in the better-governed states across three rounds of the District Level Household and Facility Survey. The analysis points to an urban conundrum where proximity to urban centres is a "risk factor." An understanding of peri-urbanisation processes is essential for improving outcomes and governance in urban health services and the National Urban Health Mission. Purnamita Dasgupta...

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The Lie Of The Land -Pavithra S Rangan

-Outlook In MP’s Bundelkhand region, a sarpanch-babu nexus means NREGA benefits dry up for the poor The Paper Trail How social sector cuts are playing out in one of India’s poorest parts     For the first time ever, in 2014, Rs 1,000 cr, of a sanctioned Rs 4,000 cr budget for NREGA, not given to MP     In 2015, only a small part of the budget released for two months. NREGA top officials say funds always...

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Cabinet recommends re-promulgation of land ordinance

-ANI/ The Times of India NEW delhi: The Union Cabinet on Saturday recommended re-promulgation of the controversial Land Acquisition Ordinance. The land ordinance will be issued for the third time. The Ordinance was promulgated for the first time in December last year to amend the 2013 Act. Despite being passed in Lok Sabha, the government did not take it to Rajya Sabha as it lacked numbers there. The Ordinance was re-promulgated in March...

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