Contrary to the claims of the UIDAI, fingerprints are a highly inappropriate tool to uniquely identify individuals. Case 1: “There are nine checks on visa nationals arriving into the U.K. [United Kingdom]. The fingerprint matching check is the most recent. It is the least reliable. It is the least effective in terms of delivering against our requirements….” So stated Brodie Clark, the former head of the United Kingdom Border Force, to a...
Punjab budgets for farm suicides-Sukhdeep Kaur
Punjab’s agricultural sector grew at 1.6 per cent during the 11th Plan against the national average of 3.41 per cent. The growth is tardy owing to near saturation in productivity. The rural debts in Punjab are estimated to be Rs 35,000 crore. The number of indebted rural households in Punjab is 66 per cent, third highest in the country after Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The Government of India’s debt...
More »States assured support under job plan scheme
-The Hindustan Times With delayed and scanty monsoon posing a threat to the agriculture output in the country, the Centre has reached out to states to lend a support to their contingency employment generation plans. rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has written to all chief ministers assuring them that his ministry is “open to a revision in current year’s labour budget” to meet any increased demand in employment (under MGNREGA) in...
More »RTE stock taking-Aaditi Isaac
To take stock of the status of the implementation of the Right to Education (RTE) Act and to identify issues that need urgent attention, a convention was held by the RTE forum. AMBARISH RAI, national convenor, RTE Forum talks to Aaditi Isaac The deadline for the implementation of the RTE Act is fast approaching, where do we stand? This Act was made for 250 million children. After two years of the...
More »Orissa: CAG finds ghost workers, bungling in NREGS-Debabrata Mohanty
Bhubaneswar : A year after the CBI probed into the irregularities across six districts of Orissa, a special performance audit of the implementation of the NREGS programme by the Comptroller and Auditor General has found misappropriation of funds through ghost workers, uneconomic execution of the works, delay in payment, and irregular maintenance of records still plaguing the scheme. The Supreme Court last year ordered a CBI probe following a writ petition...
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