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Food prices to stay high, volatility may increase: FAO

-Reuters ROME: Food prices are set to remain high and volatility in food markets could increase in coming months, a senior economist at the U.N.'s Food and Agriculture Organisation told Reuters on Thursday. "Prices are sustained. It is highly unlikely we will see a normalisation of prices anytime soon," said Abdolreza Abbassian, senior economist at FAO. "Volatility is not going to go away, if anything it may even intensify further in coming months,"...

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Land acquired over past decade could have produced food for a billion people-John Vidal

-The Guardian  Oxfam calls on World Bank to stop backing foreign investors who acquire land for biofuels that could produce food International land investors and biofuel producers have taken over land around the world that could feed nearly 1 billion people. Analysis by Oxfam of several thousand land deals completed in the last decade shows that an area eight times the size of the UK has been left idle by speculators or is...

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Pulses, fish & meat prices surge 15-20% in a month-Sutanuka Ghosal & Madhvi Sally

-The Economic Times KOLKATA/ AHMEDABAD: India's protein basket comprising pulses, egg, meat and fish has become costlier by 15-20 % over the last one month. Producers and traders say lower acreage in pulses, less availability of poultry feed like corn and rising input costs for fish breeding have impacted the stocks of protein food. Eggs, the breakfast protein staple , have become expensive by 20% in the past few weeks. Current retail...

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CCEA to consider tomorrow sale of pulses and cooking oil via PDS

-PTI NEW DELHI: To protect BPL families from price shocks due to supply constraints, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) is likely to consider tomorrow a proposal to relaunch a scheme to supply imported pulses at a highly subsidised rate for next six months. The CCEA may also take up a proposal to extend a scheme for distribution of imported edible oils at subsided rate to BPL families for one more year...

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A dangerous intervention

-The Business Standard Skimmed milk powder 'buffer' might raise prices  The government’s proposal that a buffer stock of skimmed milk powder (SMP) be created in order to minimise volatility in milk prices is so unsound a proposition that it should be shelved. The proposal, sent to the inter-ministerial group on inflation by the food ministry, involves keeping a reserve stock of SMP with milk-processing units by offering them a handsome subsidy. The...

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