-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Political leaders of different ideologies and hues whether S M Krishna, L K Advani, Sharad Yadav, Pawan Kumar Bansal or Dayanidhi Maran have one thing in common. They are all unauthorized occupants of ministerial bungalows, according to the urBan development ministry. The data given by the ministry under the RTI shows that there are 36 former Union ministers who continue to squat on ministerial accommodation...
Referred to die -Sayantan Bera
-Down to Earth Infant deaths in West Bengal’s only super specialty hospital underscrore an urgent need to improve healthcare facilities in rural areas SUPER SPECIALTY B C Roy Children’s Hospital in Kolkata looks like a refugee camp. A sit-out for families inside the complex is roofed with plastic in bright shades of blue, red and green. The sheets protect families from the regular monsoon downpour. The not-so-lucky ones huddle under buildings when...
More »Do not Ban the pentavalent vaccine
-The Economic Times The government must explain to the Supreme Court, with scientific evidence, why the pentavalent vaccine, now introduced into the immunisation programme, should not be Banned. The vaccine is designed to combat five childhood diseases: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Hepatitis B, pneumonia and meningitis. So far, more than 82,000 doses have been administered and there have been 29 cases of adverse effects after immunisation. After examining the evidence, it is unclear...
More »Manual scavenging: The worst job in India; PS: it’s illegal too- Ashwaq Masoodi
-Live Mint ‘Give me any job... but please take me out of this hell', says 57-year-old Saraswati, a manual scavenger New Delhi: Saraswati doesn't remember the last time her bare hands touched the statues of the gods lying on a shaky wooden plank in a corner of her one-room house in Farrukhnagar village of Ghaziabad district. She doesn't remember the last time she prayed or fasted. She says every part of her body...
More »Govt mulls RTI immunity to all 1,444 parties
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In order to shield six national parties from the RTI Act, the government decided to extend the immunity to no less than 1,444 registered political parties as it felt excluding only "recognized" entities would create an anomalous situation. The benefits to 1,444 parties are set out in a note submitted to the Cabinet under the signature of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as in-charge of the department...
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