-Business Standard MGNREGA website shows that till July 13, around 227,233 households out of 47.8 mn were provided jobs under the scheme and have completed the mandatory 100 days employment Mahatama Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) has played a vital role in providing employment to the millions of migrants labours returning to their villages from cities, particularly during the lockdown imposed due to coronavirus. However, with the pandemic refusing to end...
We need a root and branch repair of police, guardian agencies to keep them lawful -Maja Daruwala
-The Indian Express At 158, India’s police to population ratio (police staff per 1,00,000 citizens) is one of the worst in the world. It lags well behind its neighbours. A quick glance at the daily news from around the country throws up story after story of police misbehaviour, great and small. Videos uploaded day after day confirm this is no rarity — a horrific double murder in Tamil Nadu, grossly depraved behaviour...
More »NREGA Sangharsh Morcha appeals for immediate notification of additional 50 days over and above the 100 days in NREGA, across the country, in view of the national disaster caused by coronavirus pandemic
-Press release by NREGA Sangharsh Morcha, dated 13th July, 2020 NREGA Sangharsh Morcha -- a civil society organisation comprising concerned citizens, academics and grassroots social workers -- has written to the Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development to appeal for notifying additional 50 days of work under MGNREGA (over and above 100 days) across the nation, considering the current situation as a national disaster. Section 4.2.3 of the NREGA Master Circular 2019-20 enables...
More »Civil society praises Centre’s draft order banning 27 pesticides -Vineet Kumar
-Down to Earth The pesticides in question continue to be used in India, but are already banned, restricted or withdrawn in other countries Several experts underscored the ill effects of using chemicals excessively in agriculture and stressed on ecologically sound alternatives while backing a recent government draft order to prohibit a bunch of pesticides. Civil society members, citing risks, threats and damage from 27 pesticides, came out in support of a May 14,...
More »The five truths about the migrant workers’ crisis -Alpa Shah and Jens Lerche
-Hindustan Times They are underpaid and overworked, from marginalised communities, sustained by an invisible economy of care If anything positive has come out of the Covid-19 crisis, it is that the world’s most stringent lockdown revealed the plight of the vulnerable Indian migrant labour force. With no work and no way to feed themselves, removed from family support, millions had no choice but to defy the lockdown and return to their villages....
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