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Global meltdown wipes out Asia's gains by Prime Sarmiento

The global economic crisis has wiped out developing Asia's recent gains in poverty eradication as the meltdown is expected to have driven 21 million more people in the region into poverty. A joint report by the United Nations and the Asian Development Bank shows that the global economic slowdown has slackened trade, slashed export and tourism receipts and raised unemployment levels. This makes it difficult for the region to achieve its...

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Food security bill back on Centre table

The draft Food Security Bill, which has returned to the negotiating table of the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) after a gap, is, among other things, expected to witness discussions on the number of people to be covered by the scheme across the country, whether the other vulnerable sections of the society are to brought within its ambit, whether it should be confined to the distribution of either rice or...

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Farming growth

While the jury is still out on whether Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh did the right thing by putting a moratorium on the use of Bt brinjal, or whether he simply played to the gallery by only taking into account the concerns of the environmentalists, policy-makers need to ponder over some other implications. The introduction of Bt cotton, for instance, LED to production more than doubling between 2002-03 and 2007-08, from...

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Reform Fertiliser Policy

Without fertilisers, said Normal Borlaug, the world would need two billion people to volunteer to just disappear.  Obviously, it makes sense to increase the supply of fertilisers rather than to look for those volunteers. Sense, however, is in short supply in India’s fertiliser policy , and we have a supply shortage of the stuff. The domestic price of fertiliser has been static since 2002 and the domestic industry has seen...

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K.N. Raj: teacher, economist and institution builder by J Krishnamurty

In 1960, when I was enrolLED for my MA at the Delhi School of Economics, the shining star at the School was certainly K.N. Raj. The founder of the School, V.K.R.V. Rao, had left the institution, but came back every Founders’ Day to remind us of its glorious past and of the enduring values it embodied. Raj’s style was much lower key, but it soon became clear that his dedication...

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