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Million of orphans and counting.… by Bindu Shajan Perappadan

The Central Zone that comprises the three States of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh has about six million orphan children (under 18 years), and this figure will shoot up to 7.6 million by 2021, says a new study, “India -- National Child Vulnerability Situation Analysis Report”, conducted by SOS Children's Villages of India. The Central Zone is followed closely by the East Zone which has about 5.20 million orphans and...

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Intelligent design for the environment by Prodipto Ghosh

The announcement last weekend by the prime minister that an independent National Environmental Appraisal and Monitoring Agency (NEAMA) would shortly be set up has been welcomed in the media. The PM indicates that it would be staffed by professionals, will set up a new process for environmental appraisal of projects, and monitor the observance of environmental management plans. It would be a recommendatory body, subject to final decision-making by the...

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Manipur RTI activists to fight threats

-The Times of India   Taking note of frequent threats posed by certain government officials and those in power to RTI activists in Manipur, a group of the rights defenders has formed an ad hoc committee - Transparency Initiatives Manipur (TIR) - with the primary objective to fight the menace. TIR convener and prominent RTI activist Wahengbam Joykumar said the forum was formed recently after a meeting of RTI activists and other individuals,...

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Size does matter by Medha Nanivadekar

The July 14 all-party meeting, like all of its predecessors, failed to arrive at any consensus on the passage of the women's reservation Bill. It's high time that the supporters of the Bill realised and accepted that the proposed legislation in its present form will never be passed by the Lok Sabha and devise alternate strategies. If they really care about increasing women's representation, they must be willing to negotiate....

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Dakan! Fighting violence against women by Kavita Srivastava

Important draft legislation was recently unveiled in Rajasthan that would impose serious punishment for ‘witch-hunting’. Getting legislators to sign off on the bill, however, will prove difficult. Over the years, the women’s movement in Rajasthan has had some success in making violence against women into an important political issue. Activists have forced political parties and governments to demonstrate that they are addressing this constituency, which the media has dubbed ‘Mahila Sangathan’....

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