-Down to Earth Farmers want drought to be declared; government dilly-dallies According to the second survey carried out by the Revenue Department of Maharashtra, more than 20,000 villages in the state have received less than 50 per cent agricultural yield this year. The state has a total of 43,722 villages. This MEAns that close to half the state is in an agricultural crisis. An earlier survey had put this number at a mere...
Low MSP for cotton may ruin many Maharashtra farmers -Aparna Pallavi
-Down to Earth Untimely rains have damaged cotton and soyabean crops all over the state As if prevailing drought-like situation and other natural calamities in 2014 were not enough, the low procurement prices for cotton produced in the state are set to destroy the agricultural economy of the state. The state government has started cotton procurement for the season at the dismal minimum support price (MSP) of Rs 4,050 per quintal. This, allegedly,...
More »Left over on the table -Ajay Jakhar
-The Indian Express India seems relieved, having convinced the United States to advocate on its behalf at the WTO regarding the issues arising from its food security programmes, while food-exporting nations are rejoicing at New Delhi signing on the dotted line without insisting on a reduction of farm support in developed countries. As we defend public procurement and stock holding, they will be looking at opportunities to export to India high-value...
More »Haryana to study Chhattisgarh PDS model
-The Times of India CHANDIGARH: Apparently impressed with targeted public distribution system (TPDS) of BJP-ruled Chhattisgarh, Haryana's Manohar Lal Khattar government has decided to examine the same to find out its relevance to the state. Haryana additional chief secretary (food and supplies) S S Prasad told TOI that they would soon send a team to Chhattisgarh to study the PDS system. "It we found it relevant for Haryana, then it would be...
More »Getting them back to school
-The Hindu A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development simplistically records poverty and academic disinterest as major reasons for children dropping out of school. A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, in September shows that out of the estimated 20.41 crore children in the age group of 6-13 in India, an estimated 60.41 lakh (2.97 per cent) are out of school. This proportion of out-of-school children...
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