-PTI “Repercussions from the currency exchange initiative will likely persist through the first quarter of 2017.” Washington: India’s demonetisation led to huge cash shortages that have “adversely affected” consumption and like a “vacuum cleaner” it sucked in cash and then was slowly replacing the currency, a senior IMF official has said. “You’ve heard about so-called ‘helicopter drops’ of money with unconventional monetary policies, so one way to characterise this demonetisation initiative is as...
Timely policy measures, monitoring helped in boosting farm output
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Active policy intervention in agriculture and rigorous monitoring of farm operations from planting to harvesting in a good monsoon year helped Indian farmers increase India’s food output at a much faster pace in 2016-17 than previous peaks in production, officials said. Farm output rose 8.1% to a record of 272 million tonnes in the current crop year. This is much more than the previous significant increase in...
More »In this Bundelkhand Village, a Cry for Food, not Development -Neha Dixit
-TheWire.in Farmer suicides and hunger deaths plague flagship village of SP government. “Have you heard of kangaali mein aata geela? That is our situation,”says Sugha Singh as he sits outside Balwan Singh’s house along with other village men under the tree on a warm February afternoon. He is referring to an old Hindi idiom which means getting into more hardships one after another. They are mourning the death of Munni Devi, 78,...
More »Lower production could spike vegetables PRIces in coming months -Madhvi Sally
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The PRIce of vegetables, particularly onion, could rise in the coming months as the government has estimated that output is slightly lower than last year. Horticulture output has not kept pace with the robust growth in the estimated production of foodgrains and oilseed in the crop year to June 2017, advance estimates of the agriculture ministry showed on Friday. Production of vegetables is estimated to be around...
More »Modi and Shah are wrong: Several states have higher crime rates than UP (including BJP-ruled ones) -Manoj K
-Scroll.in / Factchecker.in NCRB data does not bear out the leaders' claim of lawlessness in Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh has reached “number one” in crime, PRIme Minister Narendra Modi said on February 5, repeating the claim five days later. Similarly, Bharatiya Janata Party chief Amit Shah said on February 3 that states ruled by the BJP have a better law-and-order record than Uttar Pradesh. The crime situation has been a constant refrain in...
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