Total Matching Records found : 9310

Big food brands hide harmful effects, claims Delhi-based NGO Centre for Science and Environment

-The Times of India   Delhi-based NGO, Centre for Science and Environment, has alleged that leading food manufacturers are guilty of "large scale MISbranding and MISinformation" by claiming that their food contained zero trans-fats even though tests showed that they have heavy doses of it. Most popular "junk foods contain very high levels of trans-fats, salts and sugar - which inevitably lead to severe ill health and diseases like obesity and diabetes," the...

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Naveen government has MISused land acquisition Act: CAG-Satyasundar Barik

The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India has found that the Naveen Patnaik government has ‘MISused' the Land Acquisition Act for acquiring land for several big industrial projects, including the proposed mega steel plant by South Korean steel major Posco. “Emergency Provisions of Section 17 (4) were MISused and applied arbitrarily even without indicating detailed justification for the same and without fulfilment of prescribed conditions,” the CAG has stated. The CAG report...

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The public needs both gavel and pen-Siddharth Varadarajan

The Judiciary is the third branch of government. As with the Executive and Legislature, the public has a right to see and know and understand the functioning of this branch. That is why India, like every other democracy, has embraced the concept of open court proceedings and trials, except in those situations where, for security or other compelling reasons, in camera hearings are required. In the Mirajkar case ( Naresh Shridhar...

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Myths about poverty lines-Arvind Panagariya

By the sheer loudness of their protests, NGOs, journalists and intellectuals have bamboozled the prime minister into withdrawing the latest Planning ComMISsion report. The report had shown accelerated poverty reduction, a perfectly plausible outcome in view of accelerated growth since 2003-04. But the critics are not happy that India is succeeding in combating destitution. They therefore tirelessly invent myths to muddy the discourse. If we are to avoid costly policy...

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How can I respect Parliament which has 'criminal' MPs: Kejriwal

-The Indian Express   Striking a defiant note, Arvind Kejriwal today replied to the privilege notices served on him for "insulting" Parliament, saying how can he respect the institution which has MPs with "criminal background". The Team Anna member alleged that all the parties are responsible for bringing Parliament to disrepute as 162 MPs with criminal background have managed to get into it. "There was a Parliament in which Lal Bahadur Shastri resigned (from...

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