-The Times of India The income tax department on Thursday carried out searches on the offices of infrastructure major GMR, which has developed the Delhi international airport among several other large projects. Officials said searches were undertaken across several GMR offices in Delhi, Bangalore and Hyderabad on suspicion that the company had not disclosed all financial information. The operations were underway till late in the evening but details were sketchy. The order...
ARVind Kejriwal and McCarthyism of the uncorrupted-Vivian Fernandes
-CNN-IBN A kind of McCarthyism seems to be operating in the country. Just as the US Senator who gave the term its name saw communists lurking everywhere in the early 1950s, ARVind Kejriwal sees corruption behind every deal. He wants electricity consumers in Delhi not to pay bills, claiming that they are over-stated. He cites the cut in tariff which the former chairman of Delhi's electricity regulatory commission, Berjinder Singh, had recommended....
More »Dalits live in fear of cops in Gandhi's Gujarat-Roxy Gagdekar
-DNA The police firing on dalits at Than town in Surendranagar district was the latest in a series of police atrocities committed on Scheduled Caste people in Gujarat. Most acts of police brutality towards dalits go unreported but even the five cases — including the Than incident — that were officially recorded in the last three months paint a sad picture of caste prejudice in the state. In one incident which took...
More »Modi also 'gifted' DLF Gandhinagar prime land -Ajay Umat & Harit Mehta
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: Chief minister Narendra Modi never leaves a chance to hit out at the Nehru-Gandhis. But he has thus far remained silent on anti-corruption activist ARVind Kejriwal's allegations against Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's son-in-law Robert Vadra. Interestingly, Modi himself is alleged to have allotted one lakh square metres of prime land in Gandhinagar in 2007 to the realty major at concessional rate. According to a memorandum signed by...
More »Now, Kejriwal accuses Khurshid of scam
-The Times of India After Robert Vadra, it now seems to be the turn of his vociferous defender — Union law minister Salman Khurshid — to be in activist ARVind Kejriwal's crosshairs. Kejriwal on Wednesday demanded Khurshid's resignation following allegations of financial irregularities to the tune of Rs 71 lakh by a trust run for the welfare of the physically challenged. A TV channel had alleged that Zakir Hussain Memorial Trust, headed...
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