-The Indian Express In Jharkhand, ABBA was first made compulsory for PDS users in Ranchi district in August 2016. By June 2017, it was mandatory in about 80 per cent of the ration shops across the state. This meant, of course, that Aadhaar itself was compulsory — no Aadhaar, no food. Recent events in Jharkhand shed some useful light on the damage done by compulsory biometric authentication in the Public Distribution...
Family in Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly claims woman died of starvation after they were denied rations
-Scroll.in The husband said the store refused to give them foodgrains as Shakina, who was too ill to step out, was not present for biometric identification The family of a 50-year-old woman from Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly claimed she died of starvation on Tuesday because they were denied their monthly quota of cheaper foodgrains as she could not be present at the ration shop for biometric identification, NDTV reported on Wednesday. The district administration,...
More »Why ABBA must go: on Aadhaar -Reetika Khera
-The Hindu Aadhaar-based Biometric Authentication does nothing in the battle against graft — there are better alternatives In a sickening way, October 2017 was like October 2002. Fifteen years ago, in Rajasthan’s Baran and Udaipur districts, there was a spate of starvation deaths. The government of the time made up fanciful stories to deny that the deaths had anything to do with hunger or government failure. In October 2017, the death of an 11-year-old...
More »Sense and Solidarity: Jholawala Economics for Everyone review:Field work -Puja Mehra
-The Hindu On the need for action-oriented research in development policy A whole new way of looking at poverty and development policy is taking shape in the world of economics. Traditionally understood as meagreness of material resources, there is a growing realisation that poverty also depletes mental resources. Understanding of how poverty impacts behaviour, what the absence of resources does to a person’s mindset can vitaminise the poverty-fighting policy toolkit. Insights, well-designed qualitative...
More »Hunger and the nation: Examining food politics and policy in India -Swati Saxena
-Tehelka.com Learning from the recent starvation deaths in Jharkhand, the nation’s leaders must pay heed to the necessity of ensuring food security for all Food and hunger have been important issues this past month and the news has not been welcome. First it was India’s dismal rank in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2017 released by the International Policy Research Institute rankings — 100th among 119 countries. GHI looks at undernourishment, child...
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