-The Hindu Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram's estimate for India's 2014-15 food subsidy bill of Rs 1,15,000 crore in the interim budget is more than twice of India's Poverty Gap, or the cost of pushing all households above the poverty line if cash transfers were used instead. The Poverty Gap for India, as per the latest NSSO Consumption Expenditure Survey data available (for the year 2011-12) is Rs. 55,744 crore. A...
Sugar and Gram Dal Prices Register Declining Trends
-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution) The retail and wholesale prices of sugar across selected centers have shown declining trends during last three months across the main market centers in the country. As on February 2, 2014. The average wholesale price of sugar as on 12.2.2014 was Rs. 3168 per quintal, down from the one year back price of Rs. 3519 per quintal. Similarly, the retail...
More »680 million Indians lack the means to meet their essential needs: report-Rukmini S
-The Hindu Proposing a new "empowerment line" that aims to measure the minimum economic cost for a household to fulfil eight most basic needs, a global research organisation has estimated that 680 million Indians, or 56 per cent of the population, lacks the means to meet their essential needs. Health care, drinking water and sanitation between them account for nearly 40 per cent of the gap between their current status and the...
More »The battle for water-Brahma Chellaney
-The Hindu With the era of cheap, bountiful water having been replaced by increasing supply-and-quality constraints, many international investors are beginning to view water as the new oil There is a popular, tongue-in-cheek saying in America - attributed to the writer Mark Twain, who lived through the early phase of the California Water Wars - that "whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting over." It highlights the consequences, even if...
More »McKinsey pegs poverty line at Rs 1,336 per month -Prabhakar Sinha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: A Global consultancy firm pegged a new level for poverty or empowerment line - at Rs 1,336 per month per person as against the poverty line prescribed by the government at around Rs 870 per month per person. McKinsey, in a report, said the empowerment line determines the level of consumption required for an individual to fulfill his/her basic need for food, energy, housing, drinking water,...
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