-The Hindu The Election Commission on Friday adjourned till November 11 the hearing on the complaint that Singhbhum MP and former Jharkhand Chief Minister Madhu Koda did not file his election expenditure account properly. There is also an allegation that he encouraged “paid news” during the 2009 Lok Sabha poll. Interestingly, one TV channel was paid Rs.1.25 crore to telecast news in his favour, according to an Income-Tax department report. The full...
CBI got RTI exemption without wanting it? by Nagendar Sharma & Aloke Tikku
-The Hindustan Times At a time when it's reeling under allegations of scams and scandals, official documents show that the government gave the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) more immunity from the Right to Information (RTI) Act than what the agency had originally sought. The issue of how much immunity the CBI should get was bounced between several government departments, committees and officials that questioned the agency's demand of partial immunity, all...
More »Churn in Muslim community over Wahabi charge by Vidya Subrahmaniam
Maulana Syed Mohammad Ashraf Kachochavi is the General Secretary of the All-India Ulama & Mashaikh Board (AIUMB), a Sufi sect that came from nowhere to take Moradabad — and the Muslim world — by storm last week. Soft-spoken and gentle, with long robes and a flowing beard, he fits the part of the Sufi cleric to perfection. Yet on stage at the Sufi Maha Panchyat, he roared like a lion, hurling...
More »Kudankulam stir suspended for a day
-The Hindu The anti-Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP) agitation has been suspended for a day on Monday “to enable people to exercise their franchise in the local body elections.” The decision was taken in the meeting at Kudankulam on Sunday. “However, our protest will continue from October 18 at Idinthakarai where the protestors will continue their indefinite relay fast,” said S.P. Udhayakumar, convener of the anti-KKNPP struggle committee after the meeting which...
More »“Child Labour Act requires more teeth”
-The Hindu Nearly 20 years of campaigning against child labour in the fireworks industry has only driven the practice underground, a fact-finding study in Sivakasi conduced by a group of non-governmental organisations has said. Commissioned by Campaign Against Child Labour – Tamil Nadu, the study was jointly executed by members of Centre for Child Rights and Development (CCRD), NEED, Sivakasi, Human Rights Foundation, Indian Council for Child Welfare, Manitham of Sivaganga, and...
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