-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Wednesday has refused to stay proceedings in cases filed in other High Courts and lower courts against the demonetisation of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes. A bench led by Chief Justice of India TS Thakur said the petitions in the various courts highlight "the different inconveniences highlighted in the various cases filed across the country, maybe some relief can be had by these people". Earlier, the...
Oil mills in Modi backyard idle minus cash -Basant Rawat
-The Telegraph Ahmedabad: Samir Shah never had such spare time in his life as an oil mill owner. This is, after all, the peak season when mills buy oil seeds that are available after the harvesting of kharif crops. But the Saurashtra businessman has been sitting idle the past fortnight. There's no cash to do business. The demonetisation drive has left entrepreneurs like him with a shrunken wallet. And farmers don't usually accept...
More »Less than a third of ATMs operational in Kerala -Vinson Kurian
-The Hindu Business Line THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: As much as 70 per cent of the ATMs in Kerala remain shut, or partially so, at the end of the second week after the Prime Minister announced demonetisation of high-value notes. The state has close to 9,000 ATMs in all, but shortage of adequate notes in the new series as also those of lower denomination has forced at least a third to down shutters, more so...
More »Banning notes will not curb black money, says think tank that called for demonetisation -Shailesh Menon
-The Economic Times Until a couple of weeks ago, few had heard about Anil Bokil or the socioeconomic thinktank he founded, the Arthakranti Pratishthan. On the street, he would not even have invited a fleeting glance. This changed after the evening of November 8, when Prime Minister Modi announced his plans to “demonetise” Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. Arthakranti Pratishthan has been credited with sowing the seeds of “demonetisation” in the...
More »Small farmers, farm workers bear the brunt as cash becomes scarce
-The Hindu Stories of distress, following a year of drought and now demonetisation, reverberate through State BENGALURU: First, the water in their fields disappeared, and now, the cash in the market. For Rajaiah of Boovanahalli in Hassan district, the cash crunch following demonetisation has seen his yet-to-be harvested maize shrouded in uncertainty. “There are no merchants to purchase as they have no cash,” he said. There is desperation, however, as his entire produce...
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