-The Hindu The government on Thursday said it proposed to restructure the Food Corporation of India that procured, stored and distributed foodgrain to identified beneficiaries under the Targeted Public Distribution System. Presenting his budget proposals for the food sector, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the government was committed to reducing transportation and distribution losses and enhance the efficacy of the Public Distribution System. Food Security Act Although Mr. Jaitley did not mention the...
Small beginning in the right direction -Prof. MS Swaminathan
-The Hindu Overall, the Budget places considerable emphasis on agricultural renewal and agrarian prosperity. Obviously, the allocations are small but a beginning has been made to look at the problems in farming in a more holistic manner. The Union Budget is a resource allocation exercise. The priorities in the allocation were indicated in the address of the President to Parliament on June 9. While the President's address provides a framework for political...
More »Agriculture set for revolution
-Deccan Chronicle New Delhi: With a drought-like situation looming large and food prices remaining high, the Union government on Thursday announced various agri-progra-mmes with an outlay of about Rs 7,500 crore to improve irrigation, soil health, research activities besides promising steps to revamp mandis. Union finance minister Arun Jaitley said that the Centre will provide cheaper foodgrains through ration shops even if there is marginal decline in farm production due to inadequate...
More »Budget 2014 will show government's will to reform food security system -Ashok Gulati
-The Economic Times Think for a moment that you are a small or marginal farmer of wheat or rice, and the government promises to give to your family wheat at Rs 2 per kg and rice at Rs 3 per kg (5 kg per person per month). What would you do? You would rush to sell your produce to the government at the minimum support price (MSP), which is currently Rs...
More »Rajasthan plans to sell onion, potato, pulses through PDS shops
-PTI The state government would take urgent measures against hoarding of essential commodities, said the CM Jaipur: To check inflation and rise in prices of essential commodities, Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje has asked the food and civil supply department to come out with a plan to sell onion, potato and pulses through Public Distribution System (PDS) at low price in the state. The state government would take urgent measures against hoarding of...
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