-The Hindu No extra funds, money coming from SAMagra Shiksha’s 20% lower budget The Centre’s new mission to ensure that every Class 3 child has foundational literacy and numeracy within five years will be rolled out on Monday. Although the National Education Policy had included a 2025 deadline to achieve the goal, the Centre has pushed back the target date to 2026-27, given that COVID-19 has already disrupted two academic years. The School...
Excess deaths in Rajasthan are five times the official COVID-19 tally -Srinivasan Ramani
-The Hindu Undercount factor for the State is lower than Madhya Pradesh’s 23.8 The number of “excess deaths” registered by the Civil Registration System (CRS) in Rajasthan ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit (from April 2020 to May 2021) was 45,088, which is 5.4 times the official reported figure of 8,385 deaths for the SAMe period. This high number was largely due to deaths registered in April 2021 (26,251) and May 2021(49,046). In...
More »Fact-check: Did LPG cost more during UPA than under BJP government? -Archit Mehta
-Altnews.in After the fifth increase in LPG refill prices since December 2020, except for a meagre cut of Rs 10 on March 31, 14.2 kg LPG refill will now cost Rs 834.50. However, BJP supporter Rishi Bagree shared a tweet listing LPG cylinders since 2011 and claimed that non-subsidised LPG gas is 32% cheaper than its price during the UPA government. Bagree had tweeted the SAMe earlier in February and in 2020....
More »How Teenage Girls Were Married Off During the Lockdown in Bihar -Kavitha Iyer/PARI
-TheWire.in/ PARI In Bihar's villages, during the lockdown last year, teenage girls were married off to young male migrant workers who returned home. Many are now pregnant and anxious about what comes next. Both are 17, both are pregnant. Both of them collapse easily into giggles, sometimes forgetting parental instructions to keep their gaze down. And both are terrified of what comes next. Salima Parveen and Asma Khatun (names changed) were both in...
More »What Indians think about religion and religious differences, in five charts -Rukmini S
-Livemint.com The coexistence of people of multiple faiths, often in close proximity, is often seen as one of the successes of modern India. A new report shows that deep suspicion and even antipathy underlies this coexistence. Indians profess respect for all religions but want to live their own lives among co-religionists, a new survey conducted by the Pew Research Centre shows. A majority across religions believe that stopping inter-religious marriage should be...
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