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MCD councilors get class in RTE-Neha Pushkarna

Sitting and aspiring MCD councillors of Trilokpuri area got a lesson in RTEon Wednesday. At a public meeting organized by JOSH, locals flocked to meet them with lots of suggestions and many complaints about the lack of educational facilities in their east Delhi colony. All that the candidates could muster as a response was a slew of proMISes most of which were shrouded in ignorance about the provisions of the...

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Delhi police goofs up on Maoist leader Kobad Ghandy

-The Economic Times   An embarrassing goof-up by the Delhi Police saw a Delhi court to discharge top CPI(Maoist) leader Kobad Ghandy on Tuesday of charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), even as it framed charges against him under IPC provisions relating to cheating, forgery and impersonation. The failure of the Delhi Police to get mandatory clearance from a UAPA review committee constituted by the relevant sanctioning authority - the Delhi...

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Central Information ComMISsioner writes to PM on move to change RTI Act

-PTI Central Information ComMISsioner Shailesh Gandhi has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh opposing the proposed move to exempt nuclear regulatory bodies from the ambit of the Right To Information Act. In his letter to the PM, Gandhi opposed the proposals in the Nuclear Safety Regulation Act (NSRA) relating to introduction of new exemption clause in the RTI Act which will prohibit disclosure of nuclear energy and radiation issues under the transparency...

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Tainted babus can be tried even after retirement: Govt

-The Times of India The Centre on Wednesday said action against a corrupt government employee can be taken even after his retirement. Disciplinary proceedings instituted against central government officials can be continued even after their retirement and "if found guilty of grave MISconduct, cut in pension can also be imposed under relevant Pension Rules", minister of state for personnel V Narayanasamy told Lok Sabha. In written reply to a question, the minister said...

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Where are farm hands when you need them? by Devinder Sharma

MGNREGA is certainly a good idea. But it can’t be allowed to play havoc with farming operations by weaning away labourers during peak season RURAL DEVELOPMENT Minister Jairam Ramesh recently rubbished the need for freezing the flagship rural job scheme MGNREGA during peak agricultural season. DisMISsing the possibility, Ramesh had said: “The matter has been examined by the Mihir Shah Committee and rejected.” Knowing that Mihir Shah’s entry into Planning ComMISsion...

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