&NBSp; Social audit is an important tool not just to ensure transparency and accountability in the MGNREGS, but also for successful running of the programme. The MIS (Management Information System) data provided by the website www.nrega.nic.in reveals that at the national-level roughly one-third of all districts were covered under social audit during the financial year 2015-16, as on 26 March, 2016. The top 5 states during 2015-16 (FY) in terms of the...
Rebooting the Aadhaar Debate -Reetika Khera
-TheWire.in We need to reboot the Aadhaar debate, starting on the right terms: why do we want to create a centralised biometric database of Indian residents? A recent article, ‘Identification simplified, myths busted’, by Piyush Peshwani and Bhuwan Joshi (hereafter, Peshwani & Joshi) makes some questionable claims about the UID project. Peshwani & Joshi’s strategy appears to be to ignore those questions to which they do not have an answer (e.g., that...
More »Women take solar lights to the fields -Tanushree Gangopadhyay
-CivilSocietyOnline.com Ahmedabad: For nearly two years, the mosque in a village in Kashmir would be enveloped in darkness when the sun dipped. It had no electricity. A woman equipped with the requisite training from the Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) offered to light up the mosque with solar lights. But the men would not allow it. Lighting up the mosque is not a woman’s job, they said. After much persuasion, the maulvi...
More »Recharge groundwater to keep taps flowing, say experts -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard India should invest in mapping the country's aquifers and take steps to aid groundwater recharge to check a looming water crisis, experts said. With 40 per cent of the country under the impact of consecutive failed monsoons, water rationing could become a norm in many parts of the country in the coming summer, they warned. According to a recent Central Water Commission report, water levels in the Maharashtra reservoirs are 58...
More »Govt mines tax data to prune LPG subsidy list -Jyoti Mukul & Sudheer Pal Singh
-Business Standard Petroleum ministry went through the list of consumers in affluent areas to find only 3% earning over Rs 10 lakh/year had surrendered their cooking gas subsidy The government is monitoring people earning over Rs 10 lakh a year who have not given up their cooking gas subsidy. Income tax data was being examined in affluent areas, Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan told Business Standard. This year's Economic Survey said Rs 1 lakh...
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