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Mystery surrounds India health survey -Justin Rowlatt

-BBC Good health data is rare in India. The last time the country published a comprehensive, state-wide survey was back in 2007. So why hasn't a vast survey of women and children carried out by the Indian government with the UN agency for children, Unicef, been released? India's so-called Rapid Survey of Children was a huge undertaking. Almost 100,000 children were measured and weighed and more than 200,000 people interviewed across the country's...

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Child marriage in the time of #selfiewithdaughter -Manoj Mitta

-The Times of India In all the buzz about Narendra Modi's promotion of #selfiewithdaughter, what seems to have been overlooked is one bar baric form of discrimination that millions of daughters continue to suffer in this day and age. It's child marriage, which affects the upbringing of daughters and pushes them into situations long before they are physically and mentally capable of handling them. The country has displayed few signs of...

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Janani Suraksha Yojana: A scam of sorts in Uttar Pradesh

-Tehelka To avail the scheme's benefits, a 60-year-old woman in Bahraich was shown to have delivered a baby five times in 10 months, while another who never conceived in 12 years was paid Rs 1,400 as honorarium by the health department. An audit of Janani Suraksha Yojna beneficiaries in Uttar Pradesh has come up with some startling facts. To avail the scheme’s benefits, a 60-year-old woman in Bahraich was shown to have...

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NITI Aayog will pay up to 36% more to woo young talent, cap age limit at 32 years -Yogima Sharma

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: NITI Aayog has decided to pay up to 36% higher salaries to young professionals to draw the best talent, along with capping the age limit at 32 years in line with the government's efforts to bring in younger people to contribute to policymaking at the think tank that replaced the erstwhile Planning Commission as per the revised guidelines issued recently, the Aayog has fixed the...

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Farming in India: The past keeps its grip

-Deccan Herald Many of India's agricultural practices have barely changed in decades. Reform is long overdue. Nearly a quarter of a century after India launched its first big liberalising reforms in 1991, setting off a new spurt of growth, one area of the country’s economy remains hardly touched: farming. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a 24-hour, state-run television channel for farmers in May, but has fostered no public debate about how to improve...

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