-The Hindu The Working Group on Intellectual Property can serve as a platform where real time solutions to meet India's need for low-cost medicines can be addressed After what seemed like a historic trip for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, which held out the promise of reshaping India-U.S. relations positively, the initiation of the Out-of-Cycle Review (OCR) by the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has brought a sobering reality check as to what...
In the mood for data sharing -Pankaj KP Shreyaskar
-The Hindu Business Line The Open Government Data initiative is gaining ground, but it needs to be in step with the Central Information Commission Open government data (OGD) is fashionable. Governments and public institutions in Europe and other parts of the globe are making increasing numbers of datasets available to the public by MEAns of national, regional, local or thematic portals, in keeping with their political commitments towards open government and open...
More »India has potential to dramatically reduce stunting in children, says new World Bank report
-World Bank Adequacy in three basic nutritional areas show reduced stunting even in poorest districts New Delhi: Stunting (Described as low height for age) in Indian children, 6 to 24 months of age, could be dramatically reduced if children receive three things that are critical for good nutrition - adequate feeding, health care and environmental health, says a new World Bank report which analyzes data from the National Family Health Survey (NFHS)...
More »'Child stunting drops sharply in India'
-The Hindu India has dramatically reduced not only the number of underweight children but also the numbers of stunted and wasted children, new details of yet-unreleased official nutrition data show. The proportion of children under the age of five who are stunted has fallen from 48 per cent to 39 per cent between 2005-6 and 2013-14, the new numbers show, MEAning that India now has 14.5 million fewer stunted children. Stunting is...
More »Sunderbans island shrinks by half -Shiv Sahay Singh
-The Hindu In 40 years, island Ghoramara hit by the rising sea (Bay of Bengal) level Kolkata: In the year 1975, Ghoramara Island in the Sunderbans archipelago in West Bengal's South 24 Parganas district covered an area of 8.51 sq km. Today it is less than 4.43 sq km. The fact that in 40 years the island has lost half of its landmass to the rising sea (Bay of Bengal) level is "an...
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