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The right to work-Ruhi Tewari

Difficult times call for difficult measures. Pushed into a corner by an unsustainable fiscal deficit and various sectors and programs (including the proposed food security legislation) screaming for a greater share of the budget pie, the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in India has been forced to do what it might not have otherwise—reduce its marquee job guarantee scheme’s allocation in a big way for the first time.  In one...

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Forced into abortion 6 times, woman turns whistleblower-Parth Shastri

AHMEDABAD: She was forced to go for abortion not once but six times by her in-laws as they were obsessed for a male heir. Today she has used RTI to rescue several women who go through this ordeal many times in their lives. Amisha Bhatt, 36, from Vastrapur has exposed errant sonography clinics, how despite laws like Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act and measures to prevent sex determination...

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Caught in a net-P Rajeev

The new IT rules violate the right to freedom of speech and expression New media has come to play a major role in the process of opinion making, as was evident in the recent Arab uprisings and the campaign against corruption in India. It is a means of propaganda and a tool for mobilising the masses. The strength of new media lies in the opportunity for creative participation that it offers...

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Government agrees in-principle to free diesel prices: Finance Ministry

-PTI The government on Tuesday said it has agreed in-principle to deregulate diesel prices, but is not considering similar proposal for the cooking gas.  "Government has, in principle, agreed to make the prices of diesel market determined," Minister of State for Finance Namo Narain Meena said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.  While petrol prices are market-linked, the government fixes the rates of LPG, kerosene and diesel, which results in a...

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Political competition for the greater good?-Raghav Gaiha & Shylashri Shankar

MGNREGA can only succeed if politics is taken seriously in the design of accountability mechanisms Does political competition enhance a poor person’s access to anti-poverty initiatives such as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA)? Just as some economists believe that competition is an effective way to improve management and productivity, in politics too, some hold that political competition is better than single-party monopoly, because it forces political parties...

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