-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: The average annual minimum temperature in Gujarat is increasing by 0.02 degree celsius every year, while the maximum temperature is also increasing at the same rate. This was revealed in the 'State-Level Climate Change Trends in India' report of India Meteorological Department (IMD). The study was carried out by senior IMD officials L S Rathore, S D Attri and A K Jaswal. The report States that the...
Still parched
-The Indian Express The four-month monsoon season ended last week leaving a deficit of 12 per cent. The authorities have called it a below-normal monsoon and the worst in the past five years, but skim the data and the picture seems even more sobering. Nearly one-third of the 36 met divisions in the country have received deficient rainfall, with Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh - which are major agriculture regions -...
More »Why India's sanitation crisis needs more than toilets -Soutik Biswas
-BBC When Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his Independence Day speech, vowed to eliminate open defecation, India took notice. After all, it was unusual for a prime minister to use the bully pulpit in India to exhort people to end this appalling practice and build more toilets. A staggering 70% of Indians living in villages - or some 550 million people - defecate in the open. Even 13% of urban households do so....
More »India's farm sops under lens at WTO -Sidhartha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The United States and Pakistan have questioned several of India's farm trade policies, including its land holding laws and the subsidy mechanism at the World Trade Organization, which is the latest assault being faced by the country after it raised the red flag over domestic support to farmers in Bali. Since the Bali ministerial meeting last December, WTO members have repeatedly put the lens on India's...
More »DIPP Statement on Bilateral Mechanism for Discussing IPR Issues with USA
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Commerce and Industry The US- India Joint Statement issued by the Prime Minister of India and the President of the United States of America after the bilateral summit had the following reference to IPR issues "Agreeing on the need to foster innovation in a manner that promotes economic growth and job creation the leaders committed to establish an annual high level Intellectual Property (IP) Working Group...
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