Nearly a year after Tadmetla in Dantewada hit national headlines with the massacre of 76 CRPF jawans, grief-stricken villagers in Dantewada alleged that security forces burnt down more than two hundred homes, sexually assaulted a woman and took away two men on March 16. Tadmetla has been scorched and reduced to rubble by the police, they said. In detailed and gruesome accounts given to journalists, the tribals alleged that five days...
India to join global effort to unchain mentally ill by Kounteya Sinha
India is all set to be part of the global movement to free mentally ill people from chains. A shameful practice often referred to as a blot on human rights, mentally ill patients in the southeast Asia region, including India, are chained to poles or their beds in institutions meant to cure them. In the Erwadi tragedy in India in 2001, over 20 people with mental illness were burned to death after...
More »Information on corruption can't be withheld under RTI Act: CIC by J Venkatesan
Information on allegations of corruption is not excluded from disclosure under the Right to Information Act, the Central Information Commission (CIC) has held. The information could be furnished by applying the severability clause under Section 10, Information Commissioner Sushma Singh said in an order passed on an appeal filed by Vishwanath Swami, a social activist of Chennai. Seeking information on every purchase made by the Narcotic Control Bureau for office modernisation...
More »No mid-day meal funds, so Punjab teachers spend own money
For several months now, Punjab government schools have not received money for the mid-day meal scheme. Teachers have been spending from their own pockets or buying rations on credit to feed the children. The Education department has attributed the delay in payment to non-release of funds by the Finance department. In Bakhtra village in Sangrur, teachers say they are buying food because the people who send their children to school are very...
More »Problem of plenty
With buffer stocks ahead of harvest being twice the norm, limiting wheat procurement in the coming season is a judicious option. It is time for a thorough overhaul of the foodgrains procurement and buffer stocking policy. With the rabi season harvest of grains — mainly wheat, followed by paddy — just days away, a major challenge will be finding appropriate storage space. As of March 1, the Food Corporation of India...
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