The outcome of Stockholm Convention to ban endosulfan capping a long-drawn campaign against the pesticide on health grounds may have brought cheers to the opponents but the domestic industry is crying foul suspecting an European link aiming to capture the Indian market. India and a few other developing countries extracted several exemptions, including a phase out period of 11 years to ban production and use of the toxic pesticide at the...
PM’s panel suggests per person PDS allocation by Ravish Tiwari
The Prime Minister-appointed panel on Food and Public Distribution System (F&PDS) headed by Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia has suggested that the current system of distributing PDS foodgrain per household should be replaced with per capita allocation. According to National Sample Survey (NSS) data, lower income households have more members per family than higher income households, the panel has said in its draft report. Justifying its suggestion as a “progressive...
More »Follow Madhya Pradesh lead, farmer groups urge Rajasthan by Mohammed Iqbal
“Declare State GM organisms-free on the lines of M.P., Bihar” Farmer groups here on Sunday demanded that Rajasthan be declared a genetically modified (GM) organisms-free State on the lines of Madhya Pradesh, which has recently decided to prohibit any environmental release, including field trials, of GM seeds and crops in view of their safety and impact on human beings and environment still being in doubt. Madhya Pradesh is the second State in...
More »Import price of phosphatic & potash fertilisers raised
The government on Thursday raised the benchmark prices at which fertiliser companies and designated traders can import phosphatic and potash fertilisers with subsidy support so that farmers have uninterrupted supply of plant nutrients in the coming monsoon season despite higher global prices. The subsidy given to companies for making the commodity available to farmers, is computed based on the notified benchmark prices. The decision to raise the prices of imported di-ammonium...
More »Corruption, bribes have become a way of life: Survey
The grievance redress system in the country is “poor” and public service providers “lack accountability”. This is indicated by the fact that 95 per cent of the households that were asked to pay a bribe ended up doing so. This is revealed by a new survey, ‘India Corruption Study: 2010', prepared by the Centre for Media Studies. The report, based on a survey of around 10,000 households across 12 major cities,...
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