Total Matching Records found : 11178

Rape story, the anatomy of reportage-Seemi Pasha

-CNN-IBN When I was asked to travel to Haryana for a ground report on the sudden spurt in the number of rape cases being reported from the state, I frankly didn't think the story was worth much. The number stood at eight rapes in about 25 days...eight was just a figure, a number, a statistic...I didn't see a story, I didn't see the trauma, I didn't see the pain. The night...

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Safety of children in UP, MP, Delhi a concern: Report -Priyanka Kotamraju

-The Indian Express  If the latest report on status of children by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation is any indication, then the fate of children in India is grim. While child sex-ratios have dipped and child labour continues to be a problem, the report states that crime against children have scaled up with no end in sight to the plight of girl child. The report, Children in India 2012 -...

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Ecology Should Be Factored-In for Food Security: UNEP

-Outlook The aim of achieving food security across the globe will become increasingly elusive unless countries take into account the planet's nature-based services into agricultural and related planning, said a report released by the United Nations Environment Programme today. Safeguarding the underlying ecological foundations that support food production, including biodiversity will be central if the world is to feed the seven billion people, climbing to over nine billion by 2050, according to...

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India ranked at 115 on women empowerment scale: Survey

-PTI Melbourne: India has been ranked at a poor 115 by a global survey which looked into the level of economical empowerment of women in 128 countries.  The list was topped by Australia and followed by three Scandinavian countries -- Norway, Sweden and Finland.  At the bottom of the list were Yemen, Pakistan, Sudan and Chad.  The research done by an international consulting and management firm Booz & Company ranked India at 115 and...

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Looking for indicators of progress beyond GDP-Kirthi V Rao and Vidya Krishnan

-Live Mint The OECD forum is discussing how to make the aspirations of the common man relevant to policymaking New Delhi: In the face of a deepening economic crisis and social resistance to austerity measures, world Leaders are considering a collective experiment to include parameters such as well-being and happiness in national and international statistics. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) World Forum on Measuring Well-being for Development Policy Making being...

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