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GM crops will benefit farmers by Prakash Chandra

  Keats’ lament of "tears amid the alien corn" aptly sums up the debate on genetically-modified (GM) food. The latest to join this swirling controversy is the humble brinjal, with the government’s genetic engineering approval committee clearing its GM avatar, Bt brinjal. Bt (for Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria) makes toxins that are lethal to insects. GM crops use this to incorporate into plants a gene that helps produce a bacterial pesticide...

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Farming greenhouse gases

The agricultural sector is both an emitter of greenhouse gases and a victim of global warming. Technological change, water utilisation and cropping pattern in agriculture have implications both for emission reduction and adaptation. While hydrocarbons and raw material-based industries contribute to global warming, their productivity is not necessarily affected by the phenomenon, as is the case in agriculture. Agricultural production impacts climate change and, in turn, is impacted by it....

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Only 27% RTI applicants get info sought

Four years after the pioneering Right to Information regime came into force in India, many hurdles remain in the way of a citizen accessing information. Just 27 people out of 100 get the information they ask for. And, even if an information commission rules in your favour, there is a 61% chance you won't get the information because the rulings are not complied with. These are some of the many...

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‘Some States doing well on RTI front’

Karnataka, Kerala, Punjab performing very well Performance of CIC leaves a lot to be desired While the Information Commissions of Karnataka, Kerala and Punjab are performing exceedingly well in various aspects of implementing the much talked about Right to Information (RTI) Act, the performance of the Central Information Commission (CIC) has left a lot to be desired, Public Cause Research Foundation founder trustee and Magsaysay Award winner Arvind Kejriwal said...

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Lack of transparency and debate in India-EU free trade agreement by Meena Menon

Seven rounds of trade talks between the EU and India have been concluded without any negotiating texts or positions of either party being made public.  The widespread optimism about the possible signing of the India-European Union (EU) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) sometime in 2010 fails to take into account the many thorny issues that remain to be resolved. Not the least of them are the tariff negotiations on goods and...

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