-PTI Charging the government with showing apathy towards the grievances of farmers, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj on Saturday insisted that the proposed Food Security Bill should be formulated after discussing the issues with those involved in the agriculture sector. “Government wants to bring a Bill which aims to provide food security to the people. Then a person who does not get food can go to court. Such a...
The Government of India has formally launched the news Guidelines of the MGNAREGA based on the Mihir Shah Committee report. The news guidelines include many new works under conservation activities and it strengthens the hands of the village panchayats and gram sabhas. However, the list of works does not include the activities under the system of rice intensification (SRI) which encourages scientific method of paddy cultivation with better yield in...
More »The government needs to think out of the box to help pharma grow while keeping medicines affordable-Ramesh Adige
Having watched from the ringside for many years now, I have no doubt in advising that the steering wheel must be firmly grasped by the government and direction given to policies that should be stable for at least the medium term. This is crucial for the growth of Indian pharma, a $20-billion industry growing at an average of 12% considering both domestic and export arenas. Price control: The biggest and most...
More »UNDP to developing countries: Take on a greater role in reducing emissions-Urmi A Goswami
Even as it recognizes that developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region like India must to grow to eke millions of its people out of poverty, a United Nations' report has made it clear that given the realities of climate change "growing first and cleaning up later" is no longer an option for these developing countries. The report, "One Planet to Share" by the United Nations Development Programme, marks a subtle...
More »Asia-Pacific countries must respond to climate change: UNDP-Aarti Dhar
Countries in Asia and the Pacific must strike a balance between rising prosperity and rising emission as their success or failure will have repercussions worldwide, a latest report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has said. "The Asia-Pacific region must continue to grow economically to lift millions out of poverty, but it must also respond to climate change to survive. Growing first and cleaning up later is no longer an...
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