-The Guardian US leaders worked hard to tackle the 1930s drought and food crisis. Today they are supine, offering the hungry only prayers If you're wondering whether the US drought will create a global food crisis, the answer's easy. It's yes, because there's a food crisis already. The latest year for which we have figures is 2010, when 925 million people were declared malnourished. Soon after the number was announced, the World...
Anna comes down to earth-TK Arun
-The Times of India A middleclass dream that politics can be redeemed by means other than politics has just ended, with Team Anna’s decision to launch a political party and join the fray. Many of his ardent supporters and well-wishers have registered deep disappointment. Anna is becoming part of the problem, they cry. The problem was with the hope that gods out of the machine can serve up deliverance on a...
More »Famines to ample stocks, India blunts drought effect-Zia Haq
-The Hindustan Times In 2009, when India had its worst drought in three decades in terms of rainfall, the country managed to produce a million more tonnes of foodgrains than it did in 2007, a normal year. Droughts, such as the one that has now settled in nearly half of the country, are no longer the disaster they used to be, thanks to one of the world's most efficient drought management systems. Largely indigenous...
More »States seek legislative changes to to punish those drawing excess power from grid-Debjoy Sengupta & Mitul Thakkar
-The Economic Times KOLKATA/AHMEDABAD: Power sector officials from Ahmedabad to Kolkata are fretting over the indiscipline of northern states and are seeking legislative changes to imprison those responsible for drawing excessive electricity and putting at risk power supply to law-abiding states. Most officials in eastern and western India say that the unprecedented breakdowns of power supply this week were avoidable. Officials are angry with the Northern Regional Power Committee (NRPC), the body...
More »Govt ready with radical health plan-Vidya Krishnan
-Live Mint State’s role to diminish from that of provider to manager, making way for private companies, individual practitioners The government is set to relinquish its role as a provider of primary healthcare, making way for private companies and individual medical practitioners to take the lead in offering clinical services, and focus on preventive interventions such as immunization and HIV testing. The move is in line with the government’s approach of outsourcing its...
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