India achieved the distinction of being the second fastest growing economy amid the global recession in 2009, but the joy was marred by the decade’s sharpest rise in food prices to the chagrin of common man. For a country that continued to lose on its exports throughout the year that has gone by, economy achieved a remarkable growth of about 7% (during April- September 2009) on the back of focused government...
Copenhagen cop out by Praful Bidwai
It is apparent to everyone that the Copenhagen Accord is a travesty of what the world needs to avert climate change. Instead of an ambitious, effective, equitable and binding treaty with stringent emissions-cut targets for developed nations, we have a hollow Accord without legal status. The North has offered a 16 per cent emissions-cut when 40-45 per cent is needed. Years of talks have been set at nought by a...
More »Full disclosure by Rajdeep Sardesai
We live in the age of institutionalised corruption. From politicians to judges, from senior bureaucrats to policemen, from corporate tycoons to petty officials, everyone it seems has a price. As journalists, our profession demands that we enquire, interrogate and expose corruption. So, when a Madhu Koda is jaiLED we rejoice that the law has caught up with a former chief minister. When allegations against a judge lead to impeachment, we...
More »The Tendulkar Report: A Small Step Forward by R Ramakumar
Poverty is a multi-dimensional concept. Official statistics in India have always referred, arguably narrowly, to only income poverty (using the proxy measure of consumption expenditure from the NSSO surveys).The Suresh Tendulkar Committee report submitted to the Planning Commission is the latest input to the “Great Indian Poverty Debate”. While the increase in the number of poor households, as suggested by the Tendulkar Committee, may indeed help expand the coverage of...
More »CAG questions NRHM funds’ flow management by Aarti Dhar
Maintenance of accounts not proper, it says Most States yet to adopt e-banking Delay in release of funds from State health societies to district health societies The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India has expressed dissatisfaction over the funds flow management under the National Rural health Mission (NRHM) and recommended that it be rationalised with appropriate norms and criteria. The maintenance of accounts at the State, district and below levels was...
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