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SSC, HSC students can use RTI to see answer sheets by Shreya Bhandary

The state education board is set to usher in a more transparent evaluation system: starting this year, students SITting for the Class X state board exam and the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) will be able to get a copy of their corrected answer booklets under the Right To Information (RTI) Act. In the past, the state board did not entertain RTI applications from students who wished to see their evaluated...

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Govt approves centre for cold chain development

-PTI   The government on Thursday approved setting up of a national centre for cold chain development and allocated a one-time grant of Rs 25 crore for its corpus fund. The decision comes in the wake of post harvest losses to the tune of Rs 50,000 crore annually in absence of proper storage facilities. "The Union Cabinet today gave its ex-post facto approval for registering National Centre for Cold Chain Development (NCCD) as a...

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In Sikkim, earthquake or no earthquake, school must go on by Ratna Bharali Talukdar

On September 18, Bimola Rai’s world was reduced to rubble. A student of Class III in Bop village in Chungthang block of North District in Sikkim, a Himalayan border state, she was left traumatized when a devastating earthquake of 6.9 magnitude on the Richter scale, flattened her home and school building, located at an altitude of 5,500 feet. Today, Bimola joins 26 other children of her village to walk the four...

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Women labourers give opium to infants to keep them quiet while working: Report

-The Times of India A report prepared by a few NGOs on child labour in Rajasthan has claimed that women working in mining or stone crushing units often give opium to their infants to keep them quiet while they are working. "Many women bring their infants to the work SITe if they have no other childcare arrangement. It is not uncommon for mothers to give their infants opium to keep them quiet...

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Distress and death by Suhrid Sankar Chattopadhyay

West Bengal: An agrarian crisis looms over the State as farmers commit suicide in spite of a bumper crop. THE topic of suicide figured repeatedly in Safar Molla's conversations with his neighbours a few days before his death. The 18-year-old marginal farmer from Kaltikuri village in Bardhaman district's Bhatar block talked about it quite casually, in fact even jocularly. Everybody in the village knew he was up to his neck in...

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