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How to feed your billionaires by P Sainath

Freebies for the IPL — at a time of savage food subsidy cuts for the poor — benefit four men who make the Forbes Billionaire List of 2010 and a few other, mere multi-millionaires.  And so the IPL fracas is now heading for its own Champions League. Union Cabinet Ministers, Union Ministers of State, Chief Ministers (and who knows a Governor or two might pop up yet) are being named...

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India has more mobile telephones than toilets: UN report

More people in India, the world's second most crowded country, have access to a mobile telephone than to a toilet, according to a new UN study on how to cut the number of people with inadequate sanitation. "It is a tragic irony to think that in India, a country now wealthy enough that roughly half of the people own phones, about half cannot afford the basic necessity and dignity of...

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Female infanticide affects sex ratio in Punjab by Vrinda Sharma

“She was thrown in the garbage dump outside the village for dogs that ate her. Her only fault — she was the fourth girl born in a poor family,” said Harshinder Kaur, paediatric doctor here, recalling the first time she witnessed discrimination against female infants in Punjab's rural side. “Over a decade ago, I couldn't save that infant and ever since I try to speak for the girls who never...

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Hunger helps Maoists spread their wings by B Vijay Murty

If you want to understand why the Maoists grow stronger, watch frail Shyam Charan Kisku, 5, as he keeps hunger away by nibbling at a wild berry called Kendu on a hot April afternoon. Kisku and 40-odd children in this scraggly village of mud-and-thatch homes, 180km south-east of Jharkhand’s capital Ranchi, did not get their free lunch this day under the national mid-day meal scheme, the world’s largest cooked-meal programme. Kisku’s mother,...

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Maoists in India apologise for blowing up schools by Amarnath Tewary

Maoists in the Indian state of Bihar have apologised to students for blowing up their school buildings. More than 25 school buildings have been razed to the ground by Maoists in Bihar over the last year - at least five have been destroyed in the past week. The rebels said it was necessary to destroy them because they were being used as camps by the security forces. On Tuesday, rebels killed...

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