-The Hindu Business Line Pushpa M. Bhargava, former Vice-Chairman of National Knowledge Commission, has defended the recommendations of the technical committee, appointed by the Supreme Court, which called for a moratorium on the field trials of genetically modified crops. “The recommendations are in consonance with the increasing evidence and awareness in the two American continents where over 90 per cent of the world’s GM crops are grown that the increasing health problems...
More progress needed to maintain indigenous livestock diversity, UN food agency says
-The United Nations With more than one in five indigenous livestock breeds at risk of extinction, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today welcomed progress in many countries aimed at maintaining livestock diversity, but warned that more needs to be done to save what amounts to a critical resource for food production. In a news release, FAO noted that 80 national Governments are highlighting their actions in reports presented to...
More »‘Beautiful and fair’ preferred among surrogate mothers too -Aarti Dhar
-The Hindu Caste and religion are also key factors while renting wombs: study Beautiful and fair — words traditionally synonymous with brides — are being used for renting a womb. For, not only are “healthy, beautiful, fair and higher caste or Brahmin’’ surrogates in great demand, they also receive good payment in cash and kind from the commissioning parents after delivery. Doctors and agents have confirmed — in a study by Sama, a...
More »Women’s property rights tied to suicides -Hemali Chhapia
-The Times of India MUMBAI: Has the amendment to the Hindu Succession Act conferring equal rights over property to daughters shattered the peace at home? A study put together by an American and a Canadian university not only arrives at this conclusion but goes one step further and draws a co-relation between the Act being changed in 2005 and a subsequent rise in suicides. The paper, called 'Suicide and Property Rights in...
More »India’s tuberculosis challenge -R Prasad
-The Hindu The epidemic is running amok. And the government is finally waking up to the reality. Tuberculosis was declared a global health emergency in 1993, but it has been growing unchecked. Today, TB is causing millions of deaths every year globally. Like any infectious disease, TB is prevalent even in Developed Countries. But it is a more serious problem in the developing and populous countries. India and China together account for nearly...
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