West Bengal Chief Minister sought refinancing for 18,000-km PMGSY roads Aggravating the face-off between the Congress and the Trinamool Congress, Union Rural Development Minister Jairam Ramesh has shot down West Bengal's demand for financing anew 18,000 km ofmurram (red sand) roads under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). The West Bengal Road Department Secretary demanded at a meeting that the Ministry refinance the entire murram roads in the State, charging that these...
Sights on licence to drive, not kill-Sobhana K
The government is planning to tighten the rules for issuing and renewing driving licences to make the process “fudge proof” after a study showed drivers’ fault accounted for most road accidents in the country. A committee of state transport commissioners and officials from the National Informatics Centre recently came up with suggestions on possible amendments to the rules. The panel, headed by Andhra Pradesh transport commissioner Hiralal Samariya, has submitted its report...
More »Registration of marriages to be made compulsory
-The Hindu The government will amend the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969, to include registration of marriages under the purview of this law. The amendment bill to be introduced in Parliament during this session. This will provide legal protection to couples, especially in cases of inter-religious matrimony. The Union Cabinet on Thursday also approved amendment to the Anand Marriage Act, 1909, to provide for registration of marriages of Sikhs that...
More »Spectrum order issues: Prez reference in SC
-The Business Standard The Union government on Thursday approached the Supreme Court with a presidential reference on various issues relating to its recent judgment in the 2G spectrum scam. The apex court, meanwhile, would take up the government's review petition tomorrow. The presidential reference, under Article 143 of the Constitution, and the review petition raise similar issues. The main concern of the government is the perceived interference of the judiciary in the...
More »Government approves Public Procurement Bill
-PTI The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a bill that seeks to regulate government purchases of above Rs 50 lakh through a transparent bidding process. The Cabinet meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved the public procurement bill that has a provision to debar bidders found engaged in corrupt practices, sources said. Currently, there is no overarching legislation governing public procurement by the central government and central public sector enterprises. The General Financial Rules,...
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