-PTI/ The Hindu The observation was made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications and Information Technology, headed by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor A parliamentary panel on Wednesday asked the information and broadcasting Ministry to properly define the term “anti-national attitude” used in the Cable Network Rules, 2014, saying it may be the cause of unnecessary harassment of private channels. In its 27th report on 'Ethical Standards in Media Coverage', the Parliamentary Standing...
Journalists to hold rally on Dec 2 to fight for access to Parliament
-The Telegraph Reporters are not allowed access to the media galleries inside the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and the Central Hall Journalists protesting against the Narendra Modi government’s move to restrict the media’s entry into Parliament to cover proceedings, which many believe is a ploy to censor news and prevent information flow to citizens, are planning a march after an open letter and appeals by Opposition leaders had no effect. The...
More »Share of salaried jobs saw worst fall in March qtr since June 2018 -Abhishek Jha
-Hindustan Times The headline unemployment rate in the March 2021 quarter was 9.4%. This is the lowest since the quarter ending June 2020, which coincided with the 68-day long nation-wide lockdown which was imposed on March 25, 2020. Could the Covid-19 pandemic have left long-term scars on India’s labour markets? The findings of the January-March round of the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS), released on November 30, by the National Statistical Office...
More »What record warm winters mean for glaciers in the Everest region -Abhaya Raj Joshi
-TheThirdPole.net A new study suggests that Himalayan glaciers may be melting even during winter, when they were previously believed to remain stable In late winter 2020, glaciologist Sudip Thakuri visited Kalinchowk, a peak in the Himalayas around 144 km west of Kathmandu. He was surprised by what he saw. The destination, popular among Kathmandu residents seeking a sight of snow-covered mountains, wasn’t as thickly blanketed in white as in previous years. Later...
More »Good news from Banswara for malnourished children -Mohammed Iqbal
-The Hindu The sustained campaign helps 43% reach the ‘normal’ mark Following the adoption of a bottom-up approach to strengthening child protection systems, 43% of malnourished children in one of the 11 blocks in tribal-dominated Banswara district in southern Rajasthan have hit the normal mark. The initiative has sought to protect the most vulnerable ones among the undernourished children and safeguarded them against a possible third wave of the pandemic. The drive for...
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