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Ghost Lullabies by Chandrani Banerjee

* A Rs 350 crore scam has surfaced in the Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme * Three organisations are being investigated by the vigilance department of the women WCD ministry for mismanagement and for running creches only on paper * The scheme was for children of women in the unorganised sector * The organisations maintained fake audits and balancesheets signed by CAs Nothing, it would seem, is sacred for scamsters....

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Legalise Prostitution? by Madhu Purnima Kishwar

A bench of the Supreme Court recently said: “When you say it is the world’s oldest profession and when you are not able to curb it by laws, why don’t you legalise it?” Really? While dealing with a PIL fiLED by Bachpan Bachao Andolan about large scale child trafficking in the country, a Supreme Court bench of Justice Dalveer Bhandari and Justice AK Pattnaik are reported to have advised the...

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Republic of Silence by Ashok Mitra

Hokum must have its kingdom. The judicial report on the culpability for the crime perpetrated on December 6, 1992, was first leaked and then laid on the floor of Parliament. The predictable sequel was an uproarious parliamentary debate. Countrymen are however not any more enlightened than they already were. That horrid outrage was committed over 17 years ago, in broad daylight, with the world’s media looking on. Thousands watched the proceedings...

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Price-busters on way

The government is planning to augment the supplies of essential items through imports to rein in food inflation which has flared up to a decade high of 19.95 per cent in the first week of this month. “Food prices are going up and this is an area of concern ... We have to take appropriate measures to see what best can be done by increasing the supply through imports,” finance minister...

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Bonus Excesses and Outrage by Jaimini Bhagwati

Government and regulators need to focus on the systemic risk engendered by excessive compensation. As calendar year 2009 draws to a close, it is bonus season for the financial sector in the West. In the last several months, the need to cap bonuses and compensation packages has been extensively discussed in the context of limiting the future impact of the next financial sector breakdown. On December 9, 2009, the UK was...

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