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In economic slowdown, a back story about falling investor confidence -Harish Damodaran

-The indian Express Fixing the economy today cannot happen through consumption; revival in investment is what's desperately needed. New Delhi: Investment, unlike consumption, satisfies no immediate want. The businessman putting his money today is basically taking a bet on the future, when it would start yielding returns. Such bets are a function of the “state of confidence” at the time of investment. The investor has to be reasonably, if not absolutely,...

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Delayed monsoon, weak rural economy took toll on tractor sale

-The New indian Express The industry has warned that this trend may continue if no stimulus is given to boost rural demand. Delayed monsoon, weak rural economy, tightened liquidity scenario, and the vicious cycle of droughts and floods have dragged down the demand for tractors, which is already witnessing slowdown since the start of this fiscal. The industry has warned that this trend may continue if no stimulus is given to boost...

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Agri families borrow more, eat less to cope with kin's suicide: study -Sayantan Bera * Average income of farm suicide families was just Rs.3,523 per month in 2016-17, below Rs.4,561 estimated by NSSO: study * The study found that 92% of farm suicide families were not enrolled under the centre’s flagship crop insurance scheme NEW DELHI: Agricultural households are trying to cope with the suicide of an earning member of the family by borrowing more, skimping on food and even taking recourse to bonded labour, a...

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A Lancet Through india's Consciousness -Shah Alam Khan The IMA should realise that in a democratic setup, intellectual generosity comes not through jingoism but through persistent criticism, appraisal and reevaluation of government policies on health. The editorial on the current situation in Kashmir, published in the reputed British medical journal the Lancet, has stirred up a hornet’s nest. The journal has been criticised by the indian Medical Association (IMA) and by the indian Association of Surgeons, who termed it...

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Economic slump: Modi govt re-arranging furniture when house is on fire -Subodh Varma Measures announced by the finance minister are mere concessions to industry lobbies and stock market, and don’t address lack of demand. The raft of measures announced by india’s finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman for supposedly boosting a sinking economy are unlikely to rescue flagging economic growth and don’t even address the key problems of lack of purchasing power with the people and raging unemployment. It’s rearranging the furniture when the house is...

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