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Few women Ministers -Rukmini S

-The Hindu Just 39 of the 568 Ministers in State govts are women When no women joined Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal in taking the oath of office on Saturday, Delhi joined the ranks of seven other States with no women Ministers. In the rest of the States too, women representation in the Ministries is low, and often restricted to certain portfolios. With all State Assemblies put together, 360 of the country's...

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Not measure for measure -Uday Balakrishnan

-The Hindu With a plethora of government departments and international organisations putting out so much statistical data in the public space, often contradicting one another, it is the government's duty to clear the air with up-to-date and coherent statistical data linking social and economic indicators Purchasing Power Parity or PPP has validated a long held surmise that the poorer countries are not as badly off as they are made out to be...

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Malnourishment high among children of migrants: study -Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu ‘When the mother is under-nourished, children are 1.8 times more likely to be severely malnourished' The level of malnourishment is high among children whose parents migrate in search of livelihood. Inherent malnourishment in mothers, lack of food and nutrition security, feeding and dietary practices and illnesses are some of the reasons identified for high levels of malnourishment. A study ‘Understanding hunger and malnutrition among high migrant communities' conducted in south Rajasthan...

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This time we should get health right -Santosh Mehrotra

-The Hindustan Times The drafting of the National Health Policy (NHP) 2015 is an extremely welcome development. The government's decision to announce Health as a Right is a huge advance. Public health spending as a share of GDP barely rose from 0.9 to 1.1% under the previous government. Governments in rich countries have been spending 5% of GDP on health for decades. Why should we welcome the NHP 2015? Countries with...

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RSS outfits, Opposition may unite against land ordinance -Smita Gupta

-The Hindu Opposition parties, including the newly resurgent Aam Aadmi Party, a slew of people's movements and even RSS affiliates, have decided to join hands to challenge the Centre on the controversial Land Acquisition Ordinance. Emboldened by the results of the Delhi Assembly elections, these groups plan to hold protests together in the capital from February 22 to 24, coinciding with the start of the Budget Session of Parliament. For the ruling NDA,...

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