Total Matching Records found : 10125

Terminal damage-Ramachandra Guha

-The Hindustan Times In June 1992, Manmohan Singh, then finance minister in the Government of India, delivered the Foundation Day Address of the Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development (SPWD). He spoke on the topic ‘Environment and the New Economic Policies’. In his talk, Singh urged “objective standards industry-wise for safeguarding the environment, asking industry to certify compliance with these standards, institution of an effective system of verification and industry audit...

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Online rule for all foetal scans-Ananya Sengupta

-The Telegraph The Centre has made it mandatory for clinics as well as radiology and diagnostic centres to register ultrasound tests of all pregnant women through an online form. The requirement under the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique (PNDT) Act is part of efforts to curb female foeticide. The decision to track all pregnancies — from conception to birth — was taken at a recent meeting of the central supervisory board (CSB), a...

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Centre rolls out drought plans

-The Telegraph The Union government today announced contingency measures, including the rollout of alternative crops and additional power for irrigation, in response to the persistently poor monsoon rainfall. The crop area sown this year is about 8 million hectares lower than last year but agrometeorology experts say the cumulative area sown with rice can be determined only around early August. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has directed various ministries to co-ordinate their efforts with...

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Naxalite hand in Maruti violence?-Pankaj Doval

-The Times of India The bloody and systematic attack on the senior management at Maruti's Manesar plant may have been the result of Naxal influence, according to sources within the government. Intelligence agencies have been asked to investigate whether Maoists are infiltrating trade unions in the Gurgaon-Manesar belt, which has witnessed serious labour trouble in the past few years, added the sources. The agencies are looking at a couple of trade unions...

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Ineffective grievance redressal a stumbling block: MNREGA

-PTI Ineffective grievance redressal remains a concern in implementation of the rural employment scheme MNREGA, says a government report about its ambitious programme aimed at enhancing livelihood security of people living in rural areas. 'MGNREGA Sameeksha', an anthology of research study on UPA's flagship scheme also pointed out that majority of the state governments have not framed grievance redressal rules, as required under the Act, to address the issues of corruption. "Studies point...

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