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AYUSH Ministry asks Ramdev to explain Covid-19 medicine claim, stop advertising Coronil, Swasari Vati and Anu Taila

-The Indian Express The ministry has also requested the Uttarakhand State Licensing Authority to provide copies of the license and product approval details of the Ayurvedic medicines which the company has claimed will treat Covid-19. Yoga guru Ramdev’s Patanjali Ayurved Ltd on Tuesday launched what they claimed was the first Ayurvedic medicine to cure Covid-19. However, the AYUSH Ministry has sought details about the medicine and has directed Patanjali and Ramdev to...

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EIA Legitimised Environmental Destruction. Now, Govt ‘Renovates’ it for the Worst. -Manju Menon and Kanchi Kohli The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), a legal process that effectively grants projects like mines, dams and industries access to land, water, forests and other environmental resources has been used in India since 1994. On March 12, 2020, in the midst of a global pandemic, the environment ministry put out a draft proposal to amend the EIA norms. The last date for public comments is June 30, 2020. The EIA was designed within...

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Some Key Questions That Need to Be Answered About the Three Agriculture Ordinances -Nikhit Kumar Agrawal The text of the ordinances raises some questions about their stated objective to ‘free up’ curbs on trade and help farmers get a remunerative price for their crop. Recently, the Bharatiya Janata Party-led Central government introduced three ordinances to bring in far-reaching agricultural ‘reforms’ in the country. Taken together, these ordinances intend to liberalise the regulatory system in the agriculture sector, provide freedom to farmers and traders to trade in farm...

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UN chief criticises lack of global cooperation on COVID-19

-The Indian Express Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in an interview with The Associated Press that what needs to be done is to make countries understand that by acting in isolation “they are creating the situation that is getting out of control” — and that global coordination is key. The United Nations chief criticised the total lack of international coordination in tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and warned that the go-it-alone policy of many...

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'No Pay in Months', Say NITI Aayog Aspirational District Programme Workers Many field workers, some of whom have not been paid since November 2019, say they have not received any official communication for the delay either. Mumbai: In January 2018, as soon as Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated his dream project ‘Aspirational District Programme‘, Sona Devi* was among the first few from Ghumla, a tribal district in Jharkhand, to join the workforce. Sona, 23, unemployed and a first-generation literate woman, was offered Rs...

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