-The Times of India VIJAYAWADA: The agriculture sector in Andhra Pradesh is in the THRoes of a major crisis. Notwithstanding the claims of chief minister Chandrababu Naidu that his government has won the war on drought by deploying rain guns and taking up drought-mitigation measures, the kharif season -- which has just ended -- has been a big dampener for the farming community. What is shocking is that crop acreage in the...
Deadly dengue under data wraps -Sanjay Mandal
-The Telegraph The death of more than 50 dengue patients in eight city hospitals this year offers a peek into the severity of the menace but the extent of the crisis remains unknown in the absence of figures from the government. To put things in perspective, the disease caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito had claimed less than 20 lives across the state last year. The Mamata Banerjee government's decision to prefer secrecy...
More »App to report air pollution
-The Telegraph New Delhi: An environmental panel set up by the Supreme Court today launched an app THRough which people in Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh can alert city officials about garbage fire, construction dust and other sources of air pollution. People can upload images of pollution on the app, named Hawa Badlo (change the air), so that officials in charge of specific geographical locations can take action. The app was launched...
More »Dams close to glacial lakes in Himalayas under flood THReat
-IANS Hydropower projects, on Himalayan water resources, can face hazards of glacial lake outbursts that can damage its infrastructure Of the 177 hydropower projects (HPP) located close to Himalayan glaciers over a fifth - including many in India - could be under THReat from floods caused by the outbursts of glacial lakes, European researchers have warned. The researchers, from various universities, have charted out a new method for locating the minimum exposure that...
More »Agrarian Riots: The Countryside is Burning -Abeer Kapoor
-HardNewsMedia.com A lack of jobs and an abundant workforce have meant that the agrarian states of India have become tinderboxes waiting to catch fire Statistics released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB)’s annual report, “Crime in India”, reveal that in 2015, the number of ‘agrarian riots’ have increased by a whopping 327 percent. The number of cases of ‘agrarian rioting’ increased from 628 to 2,683 in one year. The bulk of...
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