-The Economic Times The Supreme Court's July 5 ruling asking the government of Chhattisgarh to disband its so-called Special Police Officers has a bearing on the entire conduct of anti-insurgency operations across the country. The Union government as well as state governments will do well to take this fully on board, to avoid further raps from the judiciary. At the operational level, the Court has delegitimised and demobilised the armed bands...
Public utilities elude the RTI net. The cloak of privacy protects companies by Shonali Ghosal
WITH GOVERNMENT agencies like the CBI, NIA and NATGRID having escaped the RTI scanner, publicprivate ventures too are trying to slink away even as activists rally to include them under the Act. After the Central Information Commission (CIC) ruled on 30 May that Mumbai International Airport (Private) Limited (MIAL) is a public authority, the company was set to be the first Public- private Partnership (PPP) to be brought under RTI....
More »Vigil over NREGA fund use in Nagaland
-The Morung Express The Government of India-nominated members of a vigilance committee has convened an emergency meeting for Tuesday, July 12 in Kohima to discuss issues associated with more than Rs. 36 crores central grants given to Nagaland under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS). Members of the State-level Vigilance & Monitoring Committee nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India will meet at 10 am in Kohima...
More »Now, The Oil Stain by Lola Nayar
By exposing its lesser arm, is the petromin hiding bigger sins? Petro Fallout * Murli Deora, who as petroleum minister sought the CAG audit and sanctioned a CVC probe, offers to quit his ministerial post * CBI action reinforces CAG draft report findings blaming DGH for oversight in implementation of production-sharing contracts * Unease in market, as yet another CBI probe into charges of DGH having favoured RIL in its...
More »Unwatched Watchdog by Sugata Srinivasaraju
A PIL questions the very legitimacy of the IB No whereofs to it? * A PIL filed in and admitted by the Karnataka High Court asks if the IB is “extra-constitutional” * The IB hasn’t been constituted under an Act of Parliament, does not have a charter of duties * The British set it up in 1887 * The court has served notices on the home ministry and the IB *** Is...
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