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The next green revolution

The agriculture ministry’s revised farm output projections for this year, indicating just about a 7.5 per cent downturn in foodgrain production despite the worst drought in recent years, lend themselves to some significant inferences. For one, the performance of the crops has turned out to be far better than what was feared. The earlier projections, released in November last, had put the likely crop loss at over 21 million tonnes,...

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Focus on farm growth, food security bill by Gargi Parsai

Surging food inflation, decline in agriculture growth rate and the impending food security bill are expected to be at the centre of the coming Union budget. With a bumper wheat harvest expected this rabi, there are projections of a turnaround in the farm sector from the present growth rate of 0.2 per cent. Food prices, which grew at an unprecedented rate of nearly 20 per cent in January, are expected...

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Remove misgivings on GM foods, Pawar tells scientists by Gargi Parsai

Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar on Wednesday urged agricultural scientists to double their efforts to remove all misgivings on genetically modified (GM) crops from the minds of policy makers and the public. Inaugurating a two-day conference of Vice Chancellors of agricultural universities and meeting of Directors of Indian Council of Agriculture Research here, he said, “The recent decision on Bt. brinjal should not be seen as a setback to our...

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Peanut-as-food market growing

India’s love for peanuts is now such a mega trend that chikki and chivda are bigger money-spinners than groundnut oil, the most expensive traditional cooking oil. The popcorn generation has morphed the peanut from a stodgy oil crop into the nation’s favourite snack food. But hasn’t the peanut always helped us live through moments of excitement and ennui? Isn’t the volume of peanut shell litter a uniquely Indian indicator of...

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Norway says ‘no’ to genetically modified seeds by Sarah Hiddleston

“The main instrument for global food security is national food production. Every country has an obligation to provide food for its own population. Trade alone cannot solve the fundamental challenges regarding hunger,” believes Norwegian Minister of Agriculture and Food Lars Peder Brekk. When agriculture is Norway’s second biggest national industry and provides for half of the Norwegian people’s needs, it’s no wonder that he sees eye to eye with India...

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