-NDTV A recent headline in Quartz, an otherwise serious media agency, claims that Jammu and Kashmir is the first state in India to "commit to a universal basic income" (UBI). A glance at the original source quickly negates this claim: it is based on nothing more than "seeds of a thought" (sic) from the Finance Minister of J&K about possible cash transfers for a small minority of poor households. This is...
Richest 1% own 58% of total wealth in India: Oxfam
-PTI In signs of rising income inequality, India’s richest 1 per cent now hold a huge 58 per cent of the country’s total wealth — higher than the global figure of about 50 per cent, a new study showed on Monday. The study, released by rights group Oxfam ahead of the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting here attended by rich and powerful from across the world, showed that just 57 billionaires...
More »Public Accounts Committee can't summon PM Narendra Modi to answer note ban queries
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Public Accounts Committee chair K V Thomas had to backtrack on his remarks suggesting PM Narendra Modi could be summoned to answer queries on demonetisation with the panel concluding that this is against rules. The meeting of the PAC on Friday saw BJP members vehemently object to Thomas's comments, arguing that he had quoted precedents incorrectly and rules governing financial committee do not permit calling ministers...
More »Impure honey eats into small producers' margins -Hiren Kumar Bose
-VillageSquare.in Independent and small beekeepers are uniting against adulterated and diluted honey sold in the domestic market by companies fighting a price war Amravati (Maharashtra): After a long hiatus of eight years, the purple-colored Karvi flower (Strobilanthes callosus) bloomed in the low hills of western Maharashtra, heightening the spirits of people like Ashok Shelar of Warsoi Koli village, neighboring Maharashtra’s favorite hill station, Mahabaleshwar. A proud owner of 80 bee colonies, he...
More »National Food Security Act, mid-day meal, other welfare schemes suffer as states fail to lift grain quota -Sandip Das
-The Financial Express New Delhi: The states have not been lifting the entire volume of foodgrains allocated by the Food Corporation of India (FCI) for the various social sector schemes including National Food Security Act (NFSA), mid-day meal and other welfare schemes for the past many years due to inadequate storage facilities. According to official data, in FY16, only 84% of wheat and 94% of rice allocated to states for distribution for...
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