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The RTEs of passage by Rukmini Banerji & Michael Walton

India has achieved close to universal enrolment. The small proportion of children who are still out of school, the hardest to reach, will be pulled in by the efforts emanating from the Right to Education (RTE) Act. Now we must focus on the next challenge, a massive and less visible one, that of ensuring that every child gets an effective education of good quality. Schools must give children a real...

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We've to make 1.2 billion count

-The Hindustan Times   Where was the seventh billionth baby born on Monday? While Uttar Pradesh seems to have been the destination of choice for the new arrival into this world, the Philippines also staked a claim. Notwithsta-nding the celebrations, there are enough reasons to worry because a growing population means more pressure on the world's stretched resources. For India and its galloping population, the future is much more challenging: while we...

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BASIC countries to frame common position on Kyoto protocol

—PTI   The Environment Ministers of BASIC countries — Brazil, South Africa, India and China — will frame a common position ahead of the crucial Durban climate conference due next month on several issues including the second commitment period of Kyoto protocol. Environment Minister Jayanthi Natarajan will visit Beijing on Monday to attend the ninth meeting of BASIC countries. It is mainly for preparing the negotiations for the United Nations Framework Convention on...

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Scavenging, NREGA kept PM, Sonia busy during 2G, Anna storms by DK Singh

What kept Prime Minister Manmohan Singh busy after securing minister A Raja’s resignation on the night of November 14 last year?   He was writing a reply to National Advisory Council chairperson Sonia Gandhi’s letter on the practice of manual scavenging. On November 15, he wrote to her that he was asking the Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment to “examine how to strengthen” implementation of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and...

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A village that watches over its trees by Antara Bose

Jamshedpur, Oct. 29: For 29 years, men and women of a village in a rebel-hit block have been staying awake to guard the trees. It could have been another forest conservation legend like the Chipko Movement in the 1970s, where Himachali women embraced trees to prevent commercial felling. But here, the unique effort of Pindrasol, a village under Ghurabandha block, 84km from Jamshedpur, is a tucked-away secret in the hinterland, though...

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