Gujarat Right To Information (RTI) activist Jabbardan Gadhvi had sought information on alleged irregularities in cattle grazing in the Rapar taluka of Kutch district. Earlier this week, the 45-year-old RTI activist set himself ablaze in the compound of the Mamlatdar's office after having received constant threats from the Mamlatdar, Talati and the PSI of Rapar. Gadhvi's family, still in shock, wonders why no body stepped in to stop Gadhvi.Relative Haridan...
Tainted IV fluid 'kills 13 pregnant women' in India
Health authorities in India's Rajasthan state are investigating allegations that 13 pregnant women died after they were given infected intravenous (IV) fluids at a government hospital. All the deaths were reported in Jodhpur city over the past 10 days. Laboratory tests had confirmed that IV fluids supplied by a local company were "tainted", officials said. A police case has been registered and an investigation has begun, they said. "The women died after severe haemorrhaging...
More »Contaminated IV drip kills 12 pregnant women in 10 days
Contaminated intravenous fluid has killed at least 12 pregnant women at Jodhpur's government-run Umaid Hospital in the last 10 days, according to hospital and police sources. Four more women were in a serious condition and had to be put on ventilators on Thursday. The hospital administration lodged a criminal case against the IV fluid manufacturer, Parental Surgical India Pvt Ltd (Indore), and the local distributor, Anshul Pharma, on Thursday as the...
More »Ready for guillotining? by Richard Mahapatra
How transparent and participatory is Pranab Babu’s budget For six months it evolves under a veil of secrecy. The Cabinet gets to see it just a few hours before it is tabled in the Lok Sabha. Such is the covert nature of the Union budget that accounts for about 50 per cent of all budgets in the country. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee wants to make the budget what such a public affair...
More »Pump up more iron in your mid-day meal scheme: NRHM by Rashmi Belur
The public instructions department has finally found a solution to address the increasing number of anaemic children in primary schools. Following directions of the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), officials of the mid-day meal programme are considering increasing the dosage of iron tablets provided for children at schools. A NRHM official said: “We had directed the mid-day meal officials to take appropriate measures to overcome anaemic problems amongst students. We also...
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