-The Business Standard Cautious optimism about the revival of the monsoon A progressive improvement in the monsoon, after a dismal June that saw rainfall deficient by over 30 per cent, has eased some worries over kharif crop production. Since then the rainfall deficit has been halved to 15 per cent, dispelling fears of a situation as bad as in 2009, when severe drought lowered Foodgrain production by seven per cent. In addition,...
Herbal oil ads: Govinda tells FDA he was unaware of laws
-Mid Day Last month, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had filed 67 complaints at police stations across the state under various sections of the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable advertisements) Act, 1955. These include complaints against advertisements of products such as 'Sandhi Sudha plus', 'Step up herbal oil' and 'Power Prash', which are promoted by leading Bollywood stars. The FDA had lodged complaints, demanding action against the drug manufacturers, scriptwriters and...
More »Food, the new crisis-CP Chandrasekhar
-Frontline A recession-hit world is only just waking up to the prospect of the coming Food crisis resulting in a period of political turmoil with unexpected consequences. For the third time in five years, the world is braced for another Food crisis. Bad weather conditions are leading to projections of major production shortfalls in some of the world’s leading Food suppliers. Substantially reduced access and sharp price increases are, therefore, expected to...
More »We should not forget that prices which consumers pay are not what farmers get
-The Times of India Union steel minister Beni Prasad Verma's claim, that he was happy with inflation as higher Food prices have helped farmers, borders on the ludicrous. A few weeks back P Chidambaram also attracted flak when he said that consumers have to pay more for sugar, rice and wheat as procurement prices are raised to benefit farmers. Linkages between high Food prices and farmers' welfare is dubious because there...
More »Falling between two stools-AK Bhattacharya
-The Business Standard Beni Prasad Verma is wrong. Food inflation hurts more than 70% of Indian farmers Poor Beni Prasad Verma! In Lucknow on Monday, Mr Verma, who is the Union minister for steel, spoke not on steel, but on inflation — and kicked up a row that his government, already under stress, could have easily done without. Mr Verma argued that higher prices for agricultural goods meant more gains for India’s...
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