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Kalyug: Descent into darkness by Colin Gonsalves

Between democracy and darkness stands the judiciary. It stands heads and shoulders above the judicial systems in Asia. But it is in rapid decline. Ahead is pitch darkness Colin Gonsalves Delhi In the 61st year of the republic, surely, India has transited into Kalyug. Surveys of the Union of India as well as expert reports published by the Arjun Sengupta committee and the NC Saxena Committee appointed by the Central government...

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Punjab may get Rs 800 crore for saving paddy by Ramaninder K Bhatia

Finally, relief may be on way for the state which had put all its resources on stake last year in order to retain the status of “food sufficient nation” for India. The Union government is likely to release Rs 800 crore for Punjab as compensation for all the drastic measures that the state took in order to sustain paddy crop last year in the wake of severe drought which had...

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Boon or curse? Spotlight on Bt brinjal again!

Social networks like the twitter are abuzz with thought for food, and the Greenpeace India is preparing to cook world’s biggest ‘baigan bharta,’ to create public opinion against genetically modified crops. While the debate over the Bt. Brinjal heats up, the case of the humble ‘baigan’ is widely seen as the precursor for a flood of GM Crops. (See links below for a wider picture). The Greenpeace has launched an on-line...

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Bt brinjal in a pickle

The controversy generated by Bt brinjal, the first genetically modified (GM) food crop, has thrown up several important issues concerning GM Crops, the role of regulators and of global corporate interests in agribusiness. These related issues are as important as that pertaining to the safety of GM food. Firstly, the questions raised on different aspects of testing and risk evaluation have brought the technical competence of the Genetic Engineering Approval...

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Indigenous people worldwide facing genocide, says new UN report

A United Nations report titled The State of the World’s Indigenous Peoples says the indigenous people and tribes worldwide are facing extinction and exploitation due to threats of displacement and dispossession of their lands, territories and resources. It takes note of the displacement of thousands of families of the Santhal Adivasis in the Indian State of Jharkhand as a result of extraction of minerals, without proper compensation or economic security. The...

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