-The Hindu Write-offs encourage defaulters, affect credit culture, Union Minister of State for Agriculture Parshottam Rupala tells Lok Sabha. On a day when the BJP’s loss in three State elections was partly attributed to rural distress and the Congress’s promise to waive farm loans, the government told the Lok Sabha that it was not considering any loan waiver scheme as it would affect the credit culture, incentivise defaulters, create a moral hazard...
Fields of ferment -Ashok Gulati
-The Indian Express Why assembly election verdicts should occasion a rethink on loan waivers, MSP raises The results of the elections to state assemblies should be a humbling experience for the BJP. Political pundits have started analysing the verdict, since the reasons for the BJP’s defeat have important implications for the parliamentary election of 2019. One factor that is being flagged by analysts is farm distress. Farmers across the country are not...
More »LPG, toilet, house: BJP built solid rural assets but income didn't rise
-The Indian Express “Incomes” not rising, due to low crop prices and stagnating wages, has more than offset any “asset” gains in the recent period, which also probably explains the party’s heavy losses in the three states it ruled, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh. New Delhi: The big rural economy takeaway for the BJP from the just-concluded assembly elections is that mere asset creation — building roads, houses and toilets or...
More »Centre amends rules for minorities from three nations -Vijaita Singh
-The Hindu Citizenship form will have a separate column for them The contentious Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016, is pending in Parliament, but the Union Home Ministry has notified amendments to the Citizenship Rules, 2009, to include a separate column in the citizenship form for applicants belonging to six minority communities from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Under the amendments, a separate entry in the form will ask the applicant: “Do you belong to one...
More »Rajasthan's Unorganised Gems and Jewellery Industry May Want to Punish BJP -Shruti Jain
-TheWire.in Several people who worked in the industry say demonetisation and the GST crippled their business. Jaipur: However much the Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) may wish to overlook the impact of demonetisation and the Goods and Services Tax on the unorganised gems and jewellery sector in Rajasthan, the workers and households who bore the brunt of the twin economic policies are resolute in their decision to vote the BJP out of power. The...
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