Maharashtra chief minister Prithviraj Chavan on Wednesday announced a judicial probe into the Adarsh cooperative housing scandal, saying in the assembly that a retired Supreme Court or high court judge and a former chief secretary would comprise the two-member panel. Somewhat predictably, the opposition parties described Chavan's announcement as unsatisfactory and rushed into the well of the House shouting slogans against the government, accusing the Congress-NCP alliance of shielding the scam...
UP grain scam: ED joins CBI probe
In what is expected to add more teeth to the investigation into the multi-thousand crore foodgrain scam in UP, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday decided to join the CBI investigation. The Allahabad HC had on Friday asked CBI to join the probe into the unprecedented foodgrain pilferage in UP between 2004 and 2007 when Mulayam Singh Yadav was the chief minister. The case relates to the smuggling of grain meant...
More »Food grain scam: Mayawati under pressure to act
In what is being called the mother of all scams, food grain meant for the poorest of the poor has been smuggled out of Uttar Pradesh into the open market and even to a neighbouring country. Starting from 2002, under the reign of different chief ministers, the scam is estimated at over Rs 2 lakh crore, Times Now reported. The scam leaves all political parties that have ruled Uttar Pradesh...
More »SC notice to vigilance boss
The Supreme Court today asked central vigilance commissioner P.J. Thomas to explain why his appointment as head of the country’s top anti-corruption watchdog shouldn’t be scrapped even as the embattled bureaucrat hung on to his post. The notices to Thomas and the central government were a first from the court, which had so far only questioned Thomas’s appointment as CVC for his alleged involvement in a palm oil import case. The vigilance...
More »Why Govt. NO to JPC? by Mohan Sahay
Why the UPA Government is afraid of a Joint Parliamentary Committee probe into the 2G Spectrum scam? The different arguments being advanced are removed from the real reason behind the government’s refusal to accept the Opposition demand to constitute a JPC.The report of the JPC is not mandatory- it is not binding on the government to take action on the basis of the report. Earlier JPC reports on Bofors or...
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